Teen Haven Programs

We host weekly after school programs for 1st-12th grade students from October through May.

Our Creed

My Faith is in God
My Identity is in Christ
I Will Live a Consistent Lifestyle
Be the Greatest Servant
& Walk in Love

Launching teens from Lancaster City into a life of leadership and purpose. By providing a healthy community to thrive in, and mentoring them to become leaders in their city, churches and schools, Teen Haven is building a better foundation for a brighter future.

Genesis & Cameron

Elementary School Team

Tuesdays & Thursdays


Director Ambria

Eric &

Middle School Team

Tuesdays & Wednesdays


Gordon & Diana

High School Team

2nd & 4th Mondays




We invite you to fill out a free membership form today!

Fill out and mail in PDF

Fill out online NOW!

For more information, contact us at 717-392-1995 or teenhaven@wsm.org.

Check out our Facebook and Instagram for pictures and videos of Teen Haven programs.